CaPS Ambassadors

The CaPS Ambassadors’ primary focus is to promote student success by providing career-driven resources, quality programming, event support, and drop-in career assistance.  CaPS Ambassadors are trained to engage their fellow Wildcats by:

  • Developing and editing student resumes, cover letters, and thank you notes.
  • Showcasing the best methods for job and internship searching.
  • Providing tips on how to prepare for interviews and the Career and Internship Fair.
  • Delivering evening career-driven programs in the residence halls.
  • Training students on how to use Handshake, LinkedIn, InterviewStream, VMock, and any new technologies adopted by the CaPS team.

The CaPS Ambassadors support the outreach efforts of the Career and Professional Success team by expanding the office's ability to reach students through one-on-one during Career Drop-ins, providing programming in the residential halls, and representing the team at major events. The CaPS Ambassadors are trained in resume/cover letter review, interview skills, and the use of LinkedIn as a professional networking and job search tool. They also have extensive knowledge of the 24/7 resources available on the CaPS website and make referrals to the professional staff members when needed.

Want a CaPS Ambassador to present to your residence hall or club?

Go to the request form and select one of the following available presentations. Presentation Request Form


Career Drop-in hours logo for decoration only
Career Drop-In Hours

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
1:00 - 3:00 PM

Weekly Career Drop-In Hours are a great way to get your questions answered. Drop-In Hours typically begin two weeks into each semester and continue until the last week of classes. Online 1:1 appointments are also available to schedule through Handshake!

  • CEPS | Kingsbury N111
  • CHHS | Hewitt 222
  • COLA | McConnell 188
  • COLSA | Rudman G04
  • PAUL | Paul 104
  • CPS | By Appointment Only
  • DIY Professional Headshot Photo Booth | Hood House, 2nd Floor

Please note: Drop-in services are suspended during university closures and holidays (ex. Thanksgiving week, Winter Break, Spring Break, etc...)

    Meet the Ambassadors